Banner 728×90

NOTE: I am not able to simulate the Disclaimer Text (“Sponsored Content”) using the current methodology.



  • Disclaimer spacing adjustments


  • Added .ac_pixel styles

v1.3 (Current)

  • NOTE: I am not able to simulate the Disclaimer Text (“Sponsored Content”) using the current methodology.
  • Added border:none; to a.ac_image_link to prevent CSS from adding an underline
  • Fixed issue where .ac_image margin-top was set to -5px
  • Added .ac_credit a{border: none;} to fix hover positioning bug
  • Removed .ac_sponsored css since banners don’t offer that option
  • Reduced max-height of .ac_title to prevent .ac_referrer from overlapping .as_disclaimer
  • Adjusted position of .ac_referrer and .ac_disclaimer give them each a little bit more space (spacing is still tight)
  • Added reset css
  • Family Friendly Modal Update
  • Added zero margin & padding styles to .ac_pixel