NOTE: I am not able to simulate the Disclaimer Text (“Sponsored Content”) using the current methodology.
- Added .ac_pixel styles
v1.2 (Current)
- NOTE: I am not able to simulate the Disclaimer Text (“Sponsored Content”) using the current methodology.
- Aligned .ac_referrer vertically with .ac_disclaimer
- Fixed a.ac_image_link height to match widget height
- Added .ac_credit a{border: none;} to fix hover positioning bug
- Removed .ac_sponsored css since banners don’t offer that option
- Made .ac_referrer absolute positioned so that it would crop long headlines and not push open widget
- Centered image cropping vertically so equal amounts are clipped from the top & bottom
- Added a.ac_image{border:none;} to prevent bottom border
- Added reset css
- Family Friendly Modal Update
- Added zero margin & padding styles to .ac_pixel